Buy the Book - "We Took Names - The Time of Vikings, Friends and Family"

[ Trencher ]

(Player Spotlight) - Derrick Davis #71 - Trencher - OL, DT, and Specialty Teams. *Ironman Player

Derrick was a junior on the 1984 Vanden Vikings undefeated championship team and a member of the trench crew. Derrick played either side of the line in the trenches. He played regularly against the starting offensive line in practice and held his own. In fact, one practice Derrick was lined up as defensive tackle against Joe Leonard and me. He beat us badly on a play knocking us both backwards. Coach Bev stopped the practice and laid into Joe and me, as he should have. Next play Derrick did the same thing. Joe and I got beat twice badly by Derrick in front of everyone. After that, we made sure Derrick had a very long practice. Derrick was quiet back in those days but stepped up and got the job done. He was as good as most of the starters in our league. Derrick was a hard-nosed Viking. He made the Vanden tradition proud because when he was on the gridiron he gave it his all. Derrick never backed down from larger opponents and held his own, many times besting them. He was one tough kid back in 1984 and you could not intimidate him. I'm glad he was a member of our close-knit trench crew. Thanks for the memories, Derrick. You took names.

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This is the Home of the undefeated 1984 Vanden Vikings Football Team's true story.

Their story is told in the book -
"We Took Names - The Time of Vikings, Friends and Family"

History should remember them.

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Site maintained by Jeff Rooney #55 Trench Crew Captain on the 1984 12-0 undefeated Vanden Viking Championship Football Team